April was mainly a month where Abri Aid focused on medical assistance.
We had a brave young man called Ahmad, a survivor of a bombshell rain which struck his house in the outside skirts of Raqaa, Syria, that desperately needed medical assistance.
Ahmad escaped the war with critical war injuries. Even though the doctors managed to save his life, the hygienical state and the equipment available at the hospital in Syria was of poor state due to the lack of resources in the warzone. Ahmad was therefore sitting next to us in April with a leg with a severe infection.
The doctors in Lebanon had told him that he was going to lose his leg. He desperately needed our help. We managed to book a surgery for Ahmad the same day. We were trying to save his leg, but with all means we all knew that reality had a different outcome. Ahmad as informed by the doctors that after his bolts where removed he needed a few weeks of rehabilitation before they would know.
Ahmad and his family showed a humble ness almost uncomfortable to experience. Abri Aid does not need any favours in return, our mission is purely humanitarian and based on common human values identified in most cultures. We just want to reach out a hand and do our duty. Ahmad is also a major value for us. A motivation and reminder of what we are doing and why it is so important to continue.
In April, we also had the chance of helping a man with a bad kidney disease, and we had several young children struggling with everything from growth issues, tonsils, to more severe medical states such as open heart disease. To follow some of our specific medical cases, make sure you check our blog frequently.